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#5 Body Wrap

This a blog about trying new things. Reaching beyond my comfort zone, exploring and making the most of life. My goal is to try 52 new things. One per week for a year.

A few months ago I was at the gym. Upon entering there was a table with two young women sitting there promoting a spa package deal. I bought it, $60 for 5 different treatments including a "spot" body wrap. It also included a one hour message, facial and acupressure. My second trip to the spa I decided to do the body wrap. The only wrap I had heard about, besides the one you eat, was being wrapped up like a mummy then covered in cellophane wrap as you proceed to sit in a sauna a sweat off the pounds. That's called a compression wrap. I did not get one of those. What I got was a lot different.
Vicky took me into a room with a massage table. She asked me where I would like the spot wrap done. I said "my muffin top, my stomach". She said, "that's what most ladies get done". She told me to lift up my shirt and she was going to do some measurements for before and after. She took 3 measurements, my belly button then up 2 inches and below 2 inches. Then she took out a thin piece of paper-towel like product with cream rubbed on to one side. She took the cream side and placed it on my chosen "spot". She explained the product is called "Itworks." It was designed by a doctor who was developing an anti-wrinkle/aging cream. Vicky said that it is a "detox wrap".  It smelled like eucalyptus, menthol. But not over powering like Vicks rub. Then she wrapped cellophane around my middle to keep it in place. As part of my spa package I got an Ionic foot bath which removes toxins from my entire body while I waited 45 minutes for the wrap to do it's thing. The ionic foot bath was basically a container of water where a small car battery-like piece of metal was placed inside with my feet with 2 wires attached. The water bubbled. It reminded me of plop-plop, fizz, fizz oh what a relief it is....Alka Seltzer. Vicky hands me a bottled water and sits down next to me and started explaining the Itworks line of products. She gave me a catalog and went on to explain that it's a better deal if I buy the product myself. Itworks also sells dietary supplements as well as their beauty skin products. Vicky is a consultant for the mutli-level marketing company.  Meanwhile, as she is talking I look down at my feet and the water is turning orangish-brown, it reminds of burnt sienna. (I still use the names of colors from my crayola box, I love crayons!) So Vicky explains the water turns different colors for different people. She hands me a list it has: color of water, area of body, symptoms. Orange represents: Joints, such as Arthritis, Gout, Fibromyalga to name a few. Brown represents: Lungs & Cellular Disease, such as Smoking, exposure to second hand smoke and air pollution. Vicky says, "most people have brown water, I figure it's from the pollution here in the Valley."
We head back to the message room and she removes the wrap. She tells me to rub in the cream so it doesn't go to waste and can keep working. She takes my measurements again. I lost a total of 4.5 inches. Vicky was so excited for me. She tells me, "this product continues to works for 72 hours and you might shrink a little bit more." She also says, "Keep drinking water. The more you drink, the more you shrink!"
My final verdict upon trying the Itworks detox wrap? The fact is, it is tightening my skin, nothing more. It's not actually burning fat or making me healthier as I see it. I imagine that Hollywood types might use it took squeeze into their red-carpet dresses but, I don't see much use for myself. At least I got it at a discount.


Ina said…
I applaud your goal. I still have lots of things on my list too.
Unknown said…
I've never tried it...but 4.5 inches is great...even if it's temporary. I would love to try it right before a trip or a party =)
that is so interesting. i have heard of the first type of wrap you mentioned (cellophane, sauna), but not this one.

i would try this at least once myself, as well as the foot one. i wonder what my color would be.
Thanks, I appreciate that. I could use a few more suggestions as I have around 40 right now. Any ideas?
@Caludia-Right 4.5 inches and that was just around my tummy. Imagine if I had done my whole body?
@ITH-The ionic foot bath was fascinating. It's worth trying once. She mentioned that people do it regularly because they feel better after due to the claim that it removes toxins from your body.
Thanks to everyone for reading my blog! ~Jen
Unknown said…
4.5 inches?!? What's that, 2 pants sizes? I would love to try it to see how it works for us "Mothers w/ Birthing Bellies"! How long did the 4.5 stay off and did it irritate or have any effects to your skin? Sounds tempting..
Hey Keri,
I wish it was 2 pant sizes. Not even close. Just made my pants a bit looser. I would say it stayed off for a couple of days. No side effects or irritations. And I have sensitive skin...

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