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This a blog about trying new things. Reaching beyond my comfort zone, exploring and making the most of life. My goal is to try 52 new things. One per week for a year.

My list of new things to try is at about 25, so far. Therefore, I have started asking friends and family for suggestions. My friend Claudia mentioned that she was going to a Zumba party and I should definitely try it.
So, you may be asking yourself what the heck is Zumba? As my certified Zumba instructor Perla Mata said, "it's a Latin inspired fitness class. 70% Latin music and 30% International music." She went on to say that "the 30%  international music is up to the instrcutor, it can be hip-hop, rock-n-roll or whatever, it's their choice." I drove from Stockton to Modesto Friday night straight from work. There are Zumba classes in Stockton but, this was a Zumba PARTY! And I was invited by my friend Claudia, and she knows a good party, trust me!
I arrive at A-List Fitness and I am greeted by Lori Avila, the owner. There are many ladies here, mingling, talking and snacking. There is a table of food with snacks and on the counter some bottles of wine. Aha! My motivation, my reward for completing the Zumba class. Let's get this show on the road! But wait, there are also some tables set up with items for sale in another room. MaryKay, Premiere Jewelry and Hannah's Boutique. I strolled by and looked at the offerings but I wasn't in a buying mood. I was there to Zumba baby! My friend Claudia arrives with another friend Melissa and they are rolling-in, sipping wine from glasses they brought from home, that's how my Modesto girls do it people! Holla!
At A-List Fitness they also offer TRX Suspension Classes. TRX stands for Total Resistance Exercise. Picture a long swingset but instead of 10 swings in a row for you to sit in there are four straps hanging down with a place for your hands and feet for you to exersice with. First thing I thought was sex-swing orgy. Sorry, just being honest. Wine, beautiful ladies, food, shopping, sexual contraptions, wait a minute here, I thought this was a Zumba party? Am I being punked? Just then I see our instructor, she has a yellow Zumba  tank top on and yells out in her Spanish accent, "come on ladies, are you ready?" I am thinking yes, I am ready to eat chips n dip and drink some wine! Of course she meant...Zumba, yes..right. Let's do this!
Lori opened her business in November 2009. This is the very first Zumba class. There are about twenty or so ladies taking the class of varying ages, sizes and ethnicity. Perla, our instructor, starts out giving us an explanation of Zumba, how it started, what it consists of and she shows us some samples of the typical Zumba moves. Man, she makes it look easy. She starts the Latin music and says "this is a full one hour beginners class" and then BAM! she starts shaking her rump. Holy cow, within a few seconds I remember why I never take these organized classes at the gym...I feel like a goof ball. Trying to do the steps, trying to keep up. Perla is enthusiastic and encouraging to everyone. I am starting to get the hang of it then BAM! she changes it up again. About 15 minutes in... all I can see out of the corner of my eye is the snack table. Really? Who thought this was a good idea? The class goes on, I recognize one hip-hop song, something by Snoop Dog. Some moves are the familiar aerobicize moves from the 80's like the grape-vine and I can't help but think of Jane Fonda. Before I know it the class is over and I had worked up a sweat. I talk to Perla a little bit after class and ask her how she became a Zumba instructor. She said "believe it or not, I didn't like it when I first tried it." Really? Obviously, it grew on her. I am still undecided. Perla teaches in Stockton, too. I might have to try it again without a snack table tempting me. But for now, I'm hunrgy. Bring on the food and wine, let's par-tay!


Anonymous said…
I am so impressed. I sent this blog to every woman I know in San Antonio, I am hoping they know of an instructor. I want to do this real bad. Of course it would be most fun with you...Love it. YOU are not just living a little. You are living a lot. ! Love you girl.
Thanks, biggest fan! If you go to you can find a certified instructor near you! I hope you try it. Writing this blog has been so much fun! I am so grateful for the encouragement and support. It means so much. ~Jen XO

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