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#1-Pleasure Party

This will be my first blog in a series of blogs about trying new things. Reaching beyond my comfort zone, exploring and making the most of life. My goal is to try 52 new things. One per week for a year.

I'm 40 years old and I have never attended a "pleasure party". I guess that's not a big deal. Except most of the ladies I had invited to my party had either hosted or have attended one before.
It all started about a year ago. A friend of a friend told me she used to do "pleasure parties" also known as "nice and naughty parties". I was selling jewelry part time for a direct sales company and was trying to recruit Melissa to sell with me. She said she would think about it but was she was also thinking about going back and trying the pleasure parties again. Well, needless to say, she went back to what she knows best. And I promised her that I would eventually, host a party.
Forward one year. I am coming upon my 10 year anniversary with my husband soon. I love making my husband happy. That's what marriage is all about. And, let's face it, keeping your husband happy has a lot to do with sex. After 10 years it's not always easy to "keep it hot, keep it spicy". By the way that is a direct quote from California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The irony is... he wasn't even talking about sex. Excuse me, sometimes I get of track. Anyway, My husband and I do take "alone time" whenever we can. Our anniversary is always a perfect excuse for that. And somehow, in my mind, it allows me to let loose, go crazy and try new things. Knowing that we were going to have some adult alone time coming soon, it seemed like the perfect time to have a pleasure party to get prepared.
So, I sent out evites. I called it a "Let's Get Lei'd" party. Everyone knows that I love Hawaii so, it served as another opportunity to do a Hawaiian theme. I ordered some Hawaiian BBQ and asked a friend if she could make a special penis cake along with some cupcakes with lips on top for the event. She's a baker and had made one for a mutual friends bachelorette party. I even printed recipes for Island-style alcoholic beverages to serve. Blue Hawaiian, Sex on the Beach and Chi-chi's. Chi-chi's loosely translated means boobies in Spanish. It seemed appropriate.
Melissa, the consultant showed up half an hour early with her "suitcase of wonders" to set up early. I shooed my husband and kids out the door. All week my husband had been trying to figure out a way to stay for the party. "No way," I said, "you need to get the kids as far away as possible." He took them to a movie. Usually people show up late for these type of events and my friends followed suit. For the first hour we ate and drank and talked about things like, how cute the cupcakes were. Then the presentation started. First she started with a game. She held up a card with a letter on it and we were supposed to shout out something sexual that started with that letter. She said, "just say the first thing that pops into your head, don't worry I won't judge you." The one other person I knew who had never been to one of these naughty parties was shouting out every sexual thing you can imagine. A-"Ass", C-"Cum", Z-"Zebra"??? What the heck? It was as if she had developed a case of Tourette's syndrome. Melissa held up a card with the letter L. 5 people shouted "LOVE!" I said, what do you think it means that all of you said love and I shouted LESBIAN!  We were all laughing hard. It was a fun game designed to loosen us up, and it worked. The drinks didn't hurt either.
Next were the actual products. She first gave us samplings of lubricants, stimulating lotions and tasty gels. Next came the toys. She had all kinds of toys with names such as Wet Wabbit, Bliss Bullets, Tickle Bear and Lucid Dreams, just to name a few.  As she passed the toys around for us to take a closer look at, we asked questions and marveled at what they did. The hostess always gets a special gift for having a party in her home. I was given something called the "Celebrity" listed price of $24. All these items were in a catalog called "Tender Moments" party collection 2009-2010 which also included DVD's, fun edibles, bachelorette party supplies, novelty games and lingerie.
All in all it was a fun night, we all ordered a few things, had some laughs and dare I say, learned a thing or two. As the night wound down and everyone started to leave. I noticed that some of the cupcakes were eaten but no one had touched the cake. I started to worry about my kids coming home and asking me, "mommy can I have some of that sword cake?" There were actually 2 small cakes, I cut one up and gave a few of the pieces as parting gifts to the guests. Then I cut the other one and ate the tip, hoping that it would not be obvious as to what it was. Then I escorted the last guest out the door. My oldest son (23 years) and his friend were waiting outside. He yelled " am I allowed to come back in now?" "Yea, come in," I shouted back. I had not told him specifically what kind of party it was, I only said it was a girls-only party. No boys allowed. Him and his friend came in the house, immediately they looked to see if there were left overs. As I was walking upstairs I heard his friend say, "this cake has an interesting color....and shape." I shuffled up the stairs as quickly as I could. I think they were on to me. I was slightly embarrassed.  I told myself, at least it was better then running into them at the Sex Superstore. Right?


katie brummell said…
I think it is an awesome Idea to try one new thing a week! it keeps life interesting!
Keri said…
Great story! What a great way to share your thoughts and learn new things.. It's like an online public journal. One thing I've learned over the last year is not to take life or the people in my life for granted and enjoy the moments that are most easy to forget - the little things. I do now what makes me happy and have started to learn to say no to people which has always been hard for me. One thing I've always said to others but often forgot to tell myself is that you never know how long you have in life so enjoy every bit! I look forward to reading your journey.
P.S. - I'll get tested for touret's and let you know! :)
NEXT WEEK: #2-Korean Food
Anonymous said…
I love your one new thing a week goal. It is a perfect way to get out of your comfort zone. I think I need to follow your example. I will start making my list. I loved your blog. I busted up laughing a couple of times.
Rochelle Eaton

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