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DAY 16: Time to talk coupons.

One of the best things I ever did to improve our finances is learning how to coupon! It has changed the way I shop.
It all started when my kids started watching a show called Extreme Couponers on Netflix. I started watching with them. I was very skeptical. If you have ever watched the show, they have a self proclaimed couponer go shopping and save as much as possible. Most of the shows I saw, the people saved 95% or more. They would pick out carts full on products worth $400, $500 $600 or more. And walk out of that store paying a few dollars! I was like, why would anyone ever buy 100 Tic-Tacs? What's the point if you buy something you don't use? Double coupons, now wonder they save so much, we don't have that in California. Those were a few things that a would say. Like I said, I was very skeptical. But, the more I watched it. The more I thought, there has got to be something to this. So, I decided to start couponing. I most often shopped at Walmart. So, I would just take me coupons, buy my regular items and use a few of the coupons I found in the Sunday paper. But, I wasn't saving much. I was happy if I saved 20%. Yet again, I thought, there has to be more to this. Then, I saw an ad for a Coupon Seminar put on by the local paper, the Stockton Record. I went to the free seminar and my eyes were opened! I learned a few techniques from 2 experts. Local ladies that had been featured on the show Extreme Couponers. They quickly pointed out that there shopping spree on the show was not realistic to their everyday shopping. However, the few pointers they gave us, took me to the next level. And I have never looked back.
It does take a time investment. The more you do it, as with most things, the easier it gets. And even though I have to invest some of my time, its well worth the returns ie: savings! I would say the most important thing I have learned is when the price is right to buy! For example I only buy ground beef if it's $1.99 per lb or less. I only buy 1 dozen eggs at $1.29 or less. So not only do I use coupons, I only use coupons when items are on sale. And for items that rarely have coupons, I watch for them to go on sale, and buy at rock bottom. I also, stock up when it is rock bottom. This was really hard at first. I totally had to change the way I shopped. I started building my stock pile. My whole family is involved. My husband bought me some plastic shelves for the garage. My son, rotates and straightens the stock pile. Since we have started the spending freeze this month, we have been trying to use a lot of items in our stock pile. I hate looking at my stock pile right now, it looks so small and weak. That has probably been the hardest part of this challenge. Not building my stock pile. I view sale shopping as my hobby now. One that benefits my family. When you get something for free or when the store pays you to get something, it is an amazing feeling! I love doing the research, planning what I am going to buy and executing successful savings! When I think about how much money I used to spend (waste) just buying things all wiley-niley. I just cringe. I will never go back to paying full price. Why would I? That just seems insane to me.


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