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Day 24: What's next?

Now that we are getting to the end of the month. I thought I would ask my family some questions about the spending freeze.
I asked Annabelle: Do you think the spending freeze effected your everyday life? She said, "not really I just didn't get to have pork buns every Friday".
Do you think the spending freeze is a good thing? "yes, because we will save money and keep collecting it!"

Next month I plan on doing a lot of the same things we did this month. But I can't be on total spending freeze lock down forever. Annie needs new shoes for school. Leo needs school shorts for the warmer weather. And after 8 months I am finally going to get my hair cut and colored. I am so looking forward to that! And, I have a major family project for next month that I need to invest in We are doing a garden! I did one two years ago as a total experiment and we had tons of cucumbers and kale but little else. We dug right into the ground and used only seeds.And the ground here is very clay-like. You should have seen how itey-bitey my little carrots were, the couldn't expand, they were literally baby carrots! This time around I want to build raised beds. Since I have been sick the past couple of days I have been doing my research. Which means I have been watching YouTube. Plus we have about 7 containers/pots that we are going to use. For a few of the plants I want to buy "starts", those are little starter plants. They are more expensive than seeds but depending on the fruit or vegetable it is a better way to go sometimes. I really like the idea of being self sustainable, as much as it is possible. If we didn't live in the city, I would definitely have some chickens. Especially since I eat eggs everyday! I also eat salads everyday so if I could grow some lettuce and spinach, that would be awesome! Last time all I was able to get growing was kale. I gave it away. I am not a big fan but it was in this lettuce mix of seeds I bought.
My other goal for March is working out regularly. We used to have a gym membership that was costing us $55 per month. I cancelled it and haven't really worked out sense. Last week, Joel and Leo went to check out a Fitness Room at the Arnold Rue Community Center which is part of the City of Stockton Community Services. It's a newer building about 7 minutes or so from our house. It's $1 per day per person or $10 per month or $100 for one year. If you are friends with him on facebook he posted some pics of himself working out there (ie: showing off his guns). I plan on starting off going once or twice a week and see how it goes. Luckily, I won't be locked in to any commitment.
I am toying around with the idea of continuing a blog. I would continue to talk about saving money plus gardening and maybe exercise. But I don't think I can continue blogging everyday once I add those activities. LOL!


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